martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

2009 concert

DEPECHE MODE: The British band will return to our country to play at Santiago on 15 October in the Riding Club at 21:00. The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster. Prices from $ 22,400 to $ 80,000.

LOS FABULOSOS CADILLAC: The Argentine group will be playing in Coquimbo Regional Stadium on October 10 at 21:00. Tickets available at Ticketmaster. From $ 10,000 to $ 30,000. Also played in the Equestrian Club of Santiago with Los Tres y Chico Trujillo on October 11 from 19:00 pm. Tickets available for this last show at Ticketmaster. Grandstand $ 45,000, Cancha Cancha VIP $ 30,000 and General $ 14,000.

SOL Y LLUVIA: The grand concert will be on Saturday 12 September at the National Stadium Velodrome of telling at 20:00 hours. The ticket will cost $ 5,000. In addition, children up to 8 years will have free admission. The group currently consists of Amaro Labra (vocals, guitar), Jonny Labra (electric bass), Harley Labra (percussion), Patrick Quilodrán (flute, panpipes, charango, vocals), Marcelo Concha (flute, panpipes, charango and vocals) and Joseph Baker (flute and dulcimer), will make a complete overhaul with their most memorable songs.
Ticket sales are done in the Craft Fair of Santa Lucia (local 125) and Place Without Limits (Avenida Providencia 1376, Manuel Montt metro). And for an extra charge and Shops Feria del Disco Paris.

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